Thursday 30 April 2020

Root Cause of All Diseases

Root Cause of All Diseases


Keep Calm and Stay Healthy


  You are welcome, what will be the most important thing to cure, so perhaps everyone will take medicine, we take medicine if there is a minor disease. What is the main reason for the disease itself?  

  So, the time the sick fell, where there was no lack of blood, no pain and hair loss, that's why we said that you should know if you bring medicine from the doctor  We can correct the pimples by cream, but you may have dirt in your blood. What is the moment, there is dirt in the blood when you have constipation and this blood dirt comes out of your face ( pimples ), then the main call was made. What is the main reason for all the diseases, we have given the reason, then every human being can cure every disease on their own, Diabetes and facial pimples, what is the main root of this diseases, 

  The reason is that your stomach, that is, if your digestive system is working well, then it starts digesting of food well, after that this food mix in your blood If we eat food by wrong habits ( example watching TV while eating a meal ) then the food reaches your heart then you will get the problem of a heart attack, the dirty blood comes on your face ( pimples), headache, diabetes and the roots of the hair loss. It goes, nowadays medical science has given the shape of diseases to the whole world, which gave the root of the diseases, making them very large and far-reaching on a large scale.

  Medical companies also started medicines, but there is no problem, diabetes is not a problem, or if there is no problem, then it is a children's game, you should know that this disease will have to be getting end. 

   It was only constipation that is the main reason for this, so you have a combination of your diseases, the route was issued, correct constipation so that you come to correct it.  

  A very good thing is available in the house of the people. Clove ( Loung ) is very good medicine in Ayurveda. People are used in every religion. The reason to be used in religions is also used. 

  Our diseases end. How to use Clove ( Loung ) So that we can cure all the diseases of our body, at a sleeping time put one Clove between the teeth, both side has the same edge, through it while long your body check, it increases your insulin production, finish your all diseases will be overcome, let's understand, When it goes into your stomach while it goes in your liver, there will be a production of piles there. It works to digest food.  If it works, then it will finish whatever food is inside your body, then take as much as you have in the night, that blood circulation will be perfect from their life till date and when your blood circulation is correct.  

  So the roots of your hair will start getting and the reason for your hair loss for example in our house if the roots of the plants start spoiling their plants slowly.  The same happens to them. The roots of our hair will come out in a few days. It will be completely finished in 1 to 2 months before sleeping. If your hair is turning white then it will start turning black if your hair is long, it will become stronger and longer.  Hair will stand up if you have a lot then it is very good for you. If you sleepless at night, if you feel sleepy, your mind is busy then anything better for you than people.  Yes, in today's life, to end this thing in every person's life, you should consume it at 9:00 pm at night. constipation has gone away,  

  Diabetes is a very fatal disease, no one can stop it, for this you will have to give life to medicine, I will tell that using insulin is just a problem.  Has been done, but how to do it right, your sugar will start to be converted into energy and the label as soon as you wake up in the morning will be absolutely normal and whenever you eat food, your sugar will be absolutely normal. 

  Take care of the thing, whenever you eat food, your attention should be towards the whole food, whenever you eat, your brain gives more signals to your body system. Your mind is not able to give signals to your pancreas at the time you are watching TV or doing other work at eating time, due to which you are not getting insulin for whatever you are eating and do not want to eat it while eating your food.  There is nothing good for you. You have to go to the gym. Some eat it, yet we eat how your body does. You will lose weight or increase. To reduce your weight, it must be done at night. Location is plentiful and it corrects our blood pressure. If you have problems then nothing for you.  What is special, is your blood dirty, has it become thick, for which the heart has to work fast, then it will increase more.  Block may increase in the demand, so your heart may stop working or it may not be removed, in a few days, your blood circulation will become normal for defeat. Which picture you must correct because if your stomach  It is clear that you cannot have any disease, but you have a disease, then how can you correct the problem.

  Grandma our maternal grandparents used to live, for that reason, see how many voices are more than my grandmother's today, but even today, she has no problem of any kind of diabetes high blood pressure.  We have to make light like we have to be a part of life, not that you follow this life routine for 1 month and then later grandparents so there is never anaemia.

  In olden times, there were copper utensils, there were live utensils and there are all kinds of vitamins and minerals in the soil, so in the old days there was no need for multivitamins, but nowadays all of us have to eat multivitamins and multi-minerals. Will be absolutely normal and whenever you eat food your sugar will remain normal.

Thanks for watching 

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