Tuesday 12 May 2020

Rules for Life

Rules for Life

 Introduction Disorder, Confusion, Never Ending Problems - Do you feel trapped in all this every day?  Are you always at work?  Do you think your relationship is getting worse?  If yes then this book is for you.  Here are 12 rules which will help you to bring order in your life.  This will help you to get rid of unnecessary hassles and problems.  So let's understand these 12 rules one by one.

 Stand up straight with your shoulders back
 (Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back)

 Have you ever felt lost?  Do you think life is very unfavourable?  Do you feel suppressed under the burden of problems?  Perhaps at that time you will be disappointed and bow your head down.  Your shoulders and back will also be bent.  The author of this book, Jordan Peterson, says that you should not sit like this for long.  Now you must be wondering why?  Because of this posture, you start feeling even more depressed.  Instead, you will feel better if you stand up straight and take a deep breath by straining your shoulders.  Do not tilt your head, keep it high.  Try to smile.  A correct posture and smile increase the level of serotonin in your body.  Serotonin is the happy hormone.  It relaxes your nerves, helps them relax.  It also strengthens your immunity.  Because of this hormone, you get good thoughts.  Even in animals, it is very important to maintain good posture.  A strong body means more chance of survival.  Let's talk about lobster.  It takes a lot of struggle to survive in the depths under the sea.  The level of serotonin in the crab body is very high, its body is long, straight, and strong.  This is a great advantage for him.  It is a sign of a winner.  A good posture crab is the winner of its area.  He can easily trap his prey.  It is also possible that she finds a healthy partner and gives birth to healthy children.  A good and correct posture makes every aspect of his life better and takes him higher.  On the other hand, a hooked crab is always a

 It is more, its body is long, straight, and strong.  This is a great advantage for him.  It is a sign of a winner.  A good posture crab is the winner of its area.  He can easily trap his prey.  It is also possible that she finds a healthy partner and gives birth to healthy children.  A good and correct posture makes every aspect of his life better and takes him higher.  On the other hand, a hooked crab is always a loser.  There is a low level of serotonin in his body.  He cannot serve anywhere for much longer.  In such a situation, he has to search for a new and another area.  If he does not change himself, he will always be a homeless crab.  He may never get any partner.  Human beings are also like a crab in this aspect.  Do not let yourself become a loser. The doors of good opportunities will open for you only when your thoughts are positive.  So start standing up straight without bending your shoulders and head.  Try to increase the level of serotonin in your body.

  Treat Yourself Like Someone You're Responsible For Helping
 (Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping)

  There are some people who, despite getting a little sick, immediately go to the doctor.  But when he is given medication, he does not follow it properly.  Many people are unable to buy medicines due to a lack of money and some are just stubborn.  They feel that the disease will be cured just like that, what is the need to eat medicine.  They feel that we have grown up, give medicines to the children.  How surprising is it that when our pets fall ill, how much we take care of them.  We take them to the doctor, give them medicines on time.  It seems that we are more concerned about his health than our health.  And exactly the same happens when one of our own becomes ill.  We remind them to take medicines at the right time.  We sit down to feed them some food before taking medicines.  We always ask them to take care of us.  So what do you understand by this?  We care about others but not ourselves.  You have to learn to love yourself as much as you do with your family and pet.  Take care of yourself too.  Start understanding your importance and value.  Follow the doctor's advice.  Make hygiene a part of your life.  Include healthy food in your diet.  Avoid bad habits.  Fill your mind with positive thoughts.  And always keep learning something.  Keep your mind active.  If you have learned to control and discipline yourself, then imagine how much your life will change.  How organized your life will be.  If you will be healthy and happy, then it will have positive effects on every aspect of your life.

 Make friends with people who want the best for you
 (Make friends with people who want the best for you)

  Author Jordan of this book grew up in a small town.  You can say that the place was quite dull and boring.  There was nothing to do there, especially in the cold weather.  He had a friend Ed who was very intelligent and smart.  But he became an angry and negative thinking teenager.  Both of them used to party together and go on a drive in the town.  Jordan joined college but became a slave to Ed drugs.  He started spending time with friends who had left school in the middle of college.  Jordan was unable to do anything to help him.  One day, Ed went to meet Jordan at his college apartment.  Jordan welcomed him but Ed was not alone.  He was accompanied by his friend Karl.  Jordan understood seeing that both of them were addicted to drugs.  Karl sat down and started staring at the ceiling.  He said that his body was floating in the air above.  Finally, Jordan takes Ed to one side and asks him to leave.  Ed nodded.  Probably due to loyalty, he used to hang out with Karl.  Living with people who are drugged, lazy, and have no purpose in life is a matter of great sadness.  But in the end, whether you want the company of such people or not, this is just your choice.  Instead, you can choose to be around people who have positive thinking, who will inspire you to move forward in life.  By keeping the company of good people, you can save yourself from sorrow and trouble.  The purpose is very important in life because the empty mind is the home of Satan.  Every day brings a new opportunity for change, the help of good friends will help you find the meaning in life.  If you adopt these changes then hope, love, and happiness will be waiting for you in the life to come.

 Compare your self to who you are today, not to who similar is today (compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today)

 Imagine that one day you are browsing social media and your friends' posts come in front of you.  You start seeing their pictures.  Some of them went to celebrate vacation in Europe, some got promotions in jobs, some got their life partner and they got married.  Some received an award in their field and some completed their master's degree.  Now you start comparing yourself to them that where they are having fun in life, then on the other side you are those who are drinking beer sitting alone with their cat in their messy and dirty apartment.  Now you start feeling very insecure and jealous.  You even think that maybe you will die alone without doing something on which you can feel proud.  But this is not true at all.  If you are a musician, do not compare yourself to The Great Mozart.  If you are a chef, do not compare yourself to Master Chef Gordon Ramsay.  You have your unique skills.  "You are no different than them".  You are a wonderful person yourself.  There is nobody else in the whole world like you.  Accept yourself as you are.  Improve your special skills.  If you copy others, you will not be able to become like them, and neither will you be able to create a separate identity of your own.  Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself with what you were yesterday, only then you will be able to see and understand the difference.  Every day, try to make yourself better than yesterday.  Keep practising your skill and notice your progress carefully.  You will really start feeling proud of yourself.  Being insecure is not a good habit.  Instead of browsing social media or removing the shortcomings yourself, invest your time and energy into something productive.  If you take time to practice leaving the habit of postponing work tomorrow, then instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself with what you were yesterday, only then you will be able to see and understand the difference.  Every day try to make yourself better than yesterday.  Keep practising your skill and notice your progress carefully.  You will really start feeling proud of yourself.  Being insecure is not a good habit.  Instead of browsing social media or removing the shortcomings yourself, invest your time and energy into something productive.  If you leave the habit of postponing work tomorrow and practice, you can improve a lot.  Just keep doing what you like.  Comparing yourself to others only fills negativity in you.  It starts destroying your confidence.  It ends your goodness and makes you a negative person.  But your aim should be to make yourself a better person than yesterday.  Then your life will be truly beautiful and amazing.  And to do this, you will not need any social media posts.

 Don't Let Your Children Dr Anything Date Makes You Dislike Them
 (Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them)

 Once Jordan saw a very interesting scene at the airport.  There was a 3-year-old child who was very tantrums.  He was screaming out loud in front of everyone.  His parents were ignoring him.  He was feeling very embarrassed but was just going ahead.  The child was following behind his parents and was slowly crying.  He was just trying to get his attention.  Maybe he wanted something.  But because his parents were not paying attention to him, he started crying more.  All the people around him were watching him.  If his parents would stop and listen to the whole thing about their child, talk to him then the problem would be solved.  That child would stop foul and shout.  If you are a parent, you must also

 If you are a parent yourself, then you must have done this experience too.  Children will do this sometimes because they are mindless.  It is your responsibility to teach the child about right and wrong.  Your child's.  How we treat them will disguise how others treat him.  If you are impatient or kill him, how can you expect good behaviour from others?  Calm and responsible parents raise a happy and disciplined child.  Many years of research by psychologists has revealed this.  Leave your child open to learn and learn new things, but also set a clear limit.  If he does anything wrong, stop him immediately.  Do not ignore this thing, otherwise, your child will continue to deteriorate.  He will never understand the difference between right and wrong.  Spend time with your child.  At that time just keep your full attention on it.  Make him realize how much you love him and how important he is to you.  The deep relationship and connection that will be created with this can only prevent your child from misbehaving.  By killing, scolding, or punishing them you will never be able to achieve this, rather they will go away from you.

 Listen carefully to your child.  The quieter and responsible you are, the happier and discipline your child will be.  The children in his class would like to befriend him.  Teachers will like them.  Due to their polite nature, elders will also treat them well.  This will develop the child's all round.  Raising a child is not an easy task.  It requires a lot of patience.  But you will see how much difference it makes to your child.  Such children become responsible, good, and successful adults.  The child who knows that his parents love him and he is important to them, he lives a wonderful life.  There is confidence in it and it is psychologically balanced.

 Set your house in perfect order before you critique the world (Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world)

  In 2012, a gunman gunned down 20 children and 6 teachers of a primary school in Connecticut.  He left a note in which it was written that man is not fit to live in this world, we should give this world back to animals.  He also wrote that Hitler had come up with a solution to solve the problem of people, similarly, I have also come up with a solution.  He believed that the entire human race should be destroyed.  Not a single person should be alive.  In this world, sin is full anyway.  If it is not less than any hell, then what will be the difference in death.  At some time in all of our lives, there is definitely a time when we feel disappointed and lost like this gunman.  What is happening in the world, we see in the news.  If there is a war somewhere, Earthquake, the tsunami has created havoc.  There has been an atmosphere of corruption and poverty everywhere.  If seen in this way, the world is really a hopeless place, how do you see it depends on you.  Try to correct yourself before thinking about the shortcomings and evils of the world.

 When you cannot change yourself, what will bring changes in the world?
 Don't worry about the things you can't control.  Start your life with change.  Start asking yourself if you are performing your best in your job?  Do you love and respect your family?  Have you tried to change your bad habits?  Anton talks to Chekhov for the exam.  His father had a habit of drinking alcohol.  He used to kill his children every day in a state of intoxication.  His family was poor and he lived in a small apartment.  Anton's brother became just like his father.  But Anton worked very hard.  He meditated in studies and achieved a scholarship.  He did not allow himself to be influenced by his environment.  Keeping his thinking positive, Anton set a very good example.  He encouraged his brothers to change as well.  Changed your home environment and situation.  Anton later became a very successful writer.  Even today, his books are inspiring many people.

 Parse What Is Meaningful, Not What Is Experiment
 (Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient)

  When we face a difficult time, our reaction towards it is natural.  Getting upset and complaining is also natural.  But by doing this, the person increases his discomfort and trouble.  Instead, if he can calm down and control his emotions, then someone can find a solution to the problem.  But going to huddle is a sign of a human being irresponsible and immature.  What is your bailiff system?  What is your purpose in life?  You have to find the purpose and meaning of your life.  When you spend your life to fulfil any purpose, then you will see that you have become more organized.  A great cause is the biggest difference between good and evil.  This is the difference between a person with a strong character and a week character.  This is also the difference between an organized and disorganized lifestyle.  So what do you want to be, Batman or Joker?  Thor or Loki?  Sherlock Holmes or MoriRT?  It just depends on you

  Tell the tooth - or at least don't bring
 (Tell the truth and act like don't lie)

 There was a time when Jordan used to live in a small apartment with his wife.  There was an alcoholic in his neighbourhood.  His name was Dennis.  He was a tall man.  He used to work as both a painter and an electrician.  Except for his work hours, he used to be drunk all day.  Many times Dennis used to drink 60 bottles of beer in a couple of days.  It was also a surprise that despite so much, he did not know how he stood upright.  He used to throw all his money in alcohol.  Whenever his money and liquor ran out, he would knock on Jordan's door.  Even if it is at 2 o'clock at night, he did not hesitate to knock on the door.  Moreover, he would bring his posters, microwave, toaster together and try to sell Jordan.  He was willing to sell anything to buy beer.  Jordan also bought his goods many times.  But Jordan's wife said that Dennis must stop doing all this.  Jordan was very nervous.  How can he explain to a drunken drunkard that all this can no longer go on?
  Then Jordan decided to tell the truth.  He told Dennis directly that he did not want to buy any goods.  They explained to him that it was in his good interest not to give him any more money.  Jordan clearly told reality.  He did not play any game.  For some time, Denise stood there quietly.  He was trying to read Jordan's mind.  He felt the truth and honesty in Jordan's words.  Then he turned and left.  Dennis never tried to sell anything to Jordan again.  They had now become good neighbours of each other.  Only one more problem arises from lies.  Even if it is spoken to maintain peace or not to hurt someone's feelings, it is still a lie.  Maybe today you can avoid a problem by telling a lie.  But small lies start to become big lies.  Speaking of lies, it becomes your habit and starts to spoil your thinking.  But remembering never hides the truth and the day it comes out, it fills our life with more difficulties and sorrows.  So it is best, to tell the truth directly.

 Resume Date the Person You're Listening to Might No SomethingDate You Don't (Assume that the person you are listening to might know something that you don't)

 Once in a therapy session, Jordan's patient said: "I hate my wife".  After that, he became completely silent for a few seconds.  Jordan was watching him intently.  Then she said, "Wait, I said something. I speak very bitterly. I hate her sometimes, not always. I am irritated when she doesn't tell me what the problem is and her silence drives me crazy."  Is. "My mother used to do the same all the time. She always complained about something or the other but instead of telling it, she just kept it in her mind. She always spoke bitter and my father had this habit  Did not like. We were all upset with this habit ".  "Now when I think of them, my wife is not as bad as my mother. There have been times when she has told me about her wishes. I feel bad when she hides something. Maybe I am the one  I am overreacting. I don't want to be like my parents. And it has nothing to do with my wife. I have to tell her this ".

  Jordan was listening to him the whole time.  He did not want to say anything because his patient could feel that he was judging him or he might have been disappointed after listening to him and maybe he would have changed his mind.  So they just kept listening to him.  The patient himself began to realize that he was seeing his mother's image in his wife.  After some time he again said, "Bank you, doctor, for this session. I am feeling really good now".  Jordan nodded.  He felt the right decision to be silent.  Many people need someone who will listen to them.  They feel very lonely.  They only want to speak their mind but there is no one to listen to them.  If it lasts for a long time, then mental disease can also be formed.  If you do not say anything to such people, just listen carefully to them, then you can help them a lot.  Listen carefully and thoroughly.  Tell him that you care about him and that you are trying to understand his situation.  It is called communicating without words.  The speaker understands your gesture whether you are listening to him or not,

 Whether you sympathize with them or not, you deserve trust.
  I am feeling really good now ". Jordan shook his head. He felt the right decision to shut up. Many people need someone who will listen to them. They feel so lonely  They do. They only want to say what they want, but there is no one to listen to them. If it goes on for a long time, then mental illness can also occur. If you do not say anything to such people  If you listen to them carefully then you can help them a lot. Listen carefully and well. Tell her that you care about her and you are trying to understand her situation. It is called communicating without words.  The speaker can understand from your gesture whether you are listening to him or not, whether you have any sympathy for him or not, or whether you are worthy to trust.

  He was small, like a little cat.  He was cute and friendly too.  Now the mother began to wonder why the dragon became so big.  Billy says, "Maybe he wanted to make us feel his own." That's exactly what happens when we don't recognize our problem.  Gradually it starts to get bigger and worse.  If you do not understand the root of a problem, you will never be able to solve it.  This is why we need to speak very thoughtfully.  Do not say that everything is wrong but also do not say that nothing is wrong.  Don't just increase or decrease, but just say what the problem is.

 He believed that only children can become masters in anything by practising.  Yes, there is no doubt that he falls several times while skateboarding and he suffers a lot of injuries but the children always got up and tried again.  If they are banned from playing, they will never learn.  Many parents are more protective of their children than necessary.  They ban many things on their children.  They always come in and solve the child's problem.  The result is that the child becomes timid and weak.  He becomes dependent on the help of his parents.  He is unable to take the decision himself.  Do not let this happen to your child.  If your child has a quarrel with his best friend, listen to him carefully but do not interfere between them.  You should not handle his problem, let him do it.  Your child will know himself what he should do, especially when he knows that you are completely on his side.  This leads to the development of confidence in it.

  We are all very busy and are just running.  None of us wants to stop.  But it is very important to stop a little, slow down your speed in between.  If you just run, then Life's car can also be out of control.  We are all always going to be busy.  We do not know how much work and how many responsibilities are trapped.  We never get a chance to stop and think.  So the life that brings small happiness is about enjoying it.  Maybe while returning home you might see some kids dancing on the street, it brings a smile to your face.  Or when you walk slowly holding each other's hand to an elderly couple, you still cannot live without smiling.  Or when you see a cat looking for food, the smile still comes on your face.  Learn to relax, learn to stop a little.

 You can stop for a while and admire the beauty of nature.  This nature is very beautiful, but who has time to stop here and see it, right?  I appreciate the little things you have.  Take time for loved ones, spend time with them.  Learn to take time for yourself too.  Relaxing you is also very important.  A little stay in life is very good.  If you continue to work continuously without stopping, then your body and mind will be completely tired.  At work, your productivity and your personal relationship will start to deteriorate.  You will become just a machine.  Our lives should not be busy.  You can bring orders in every aspect of life, just need to change your perspective.  CONCLUDE ZONE (Conclusion) So in this book you have learned about those 12 rules which will make your life organized.  By applying them one by one, you will be able to feel the changes in your lifestyle.

 You can stop for a while and admire the beauty of nature.  This nature is very beautiful, but who has time to stop here and see it, right?  I appreciate the little things you have.  Take time for loved ones, spend time with them.  Learn to take time for yourself too.  Relaxing you is also very important.  A little stay in life is very good.  If you continue to work continuously without stopping, then your body and mind will be completely tired.  At work, your productivity and your personal relationship will start to deteriorate.  You will become just a machine.  Our lives should not be busy.  You can bring orders in every aspect of life, just need to change your perspective.  CONCLUDE ZONE (Conclusion) So in this book you have learned about those 12 rules which will make your life organized.  Start taking care of yourself along with others.  Befriend good people  Try to improve your skills.  Notice the improvement in you.  Be a calm and responsible parent.  First, remove your own shortcomings and faults, fix your house.  Find Your Purpose in Life to Live a Meaningful Life.  always tell the truth.  It is also important to give importance to the talk of others, so be a good listener.  Try to understand the root of your problem, then you will get the right solution.  Leave your children open, let them learn themselves.  There is no such person who is making your life difficult.  You are responsible for this yourself, so you need to take control of it in your hands.  Whatever happens to you is the result of your thoughts and actions.  Your life may be so disorganized right now that you will feel that you are lost somewhere in the darkness, but these 12 rules will serve as a ray of hope for you.  Start applying them in your life.  You will get a lot of peace and happiness soon.

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Rules for Life

Rules for Life  Introduction Disorder, Confusion, Never Ending Problems - Do you feel trapped in all this every...